

Welcome to Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade

Improve Capacity, Reduce Congestion, Minimise Disruptions

The Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade objectives are driven by the need to improve operational deficiencies associated with the existing layout. These operational difficulties, if not addressed, will be exacerbated by continuing traffic growth over the coming years.

The Dunkettle Interchange is located approximately 6 kilometres East of Cork City. The Interchange is at the Intersection of the M8/N8 Road from Dublin to Cork with the N25 Road from Waterford to Cork and with the N40 South Ring Road via the Jack Lynch Tunnel. The existing Dunkettle Interchange is thus a strategically important Intersection of a number of key National Routes. The Interchange at present comprises a Signalised Roundabout, which includes a Free Flow Overpass for traffic travelling along the N25 to and from Cork City. Other traffic using the Interchange must negotiate the Traffic Signal Control Roundabout.

The video below details the project-specific challenges faced on the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade as outlined by Richard Bowen, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, and Val Fox, John Sisk & Son Ltd, the Main Contractor.

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